
Each session is customized

Charandayal focusses on clarity of purpose and what is happening for you below the mind: intellectually, emotionally, spiritually, physically and overall, what your soul is up to.


Soul Answer Healing goes straight to the very heart of your challenges - whether they be rooted in your emotional, mental, spiritual or physical well-being!  

The session starts by looking at your everyday self and hooking you to your soul so you can see subconscious blocks, trances, and thoughts that prevent you from being your true joyful self, in service to everyone around you.  We listen and trust that your own Soul understands these patterns and why they are there. Then we can use Heart Breath and the Frequency of Forgiveness to dissolve the trance and replace them with your own true self - clear and focused on your own highest purpose in life, living in soul.

Soul Answer Healing does not require any belief system - only the experience of what is already present within you.  During a session you are held in love and safety as you and/or your practitioner listen to the directions from your Soul for the very interactive course of your healing session.  You will be taught that most rewarding ability.  And you will not face more than you can handle. This way, you experientially discover the Truth of your own life adventure - even though it may have been quite hidden, so that you can let go of those long-held patterns of recurring pain and confusion.  You actively participate in the healing energy, which is actually quite simple.  And you find out why you, as Soul have embedded these challenges to be solved in your own special karmic unfolding. Each session opens you to the greater treasure of YOU! ​

Soul Answer Healing is a special modality taught by Siri Gian Khalsa that she learned from soul and her spiritual guides.  I was fortunate to attend her 3 year training program to become a certified Soul Answer Healer. I incorporate Heart Breath and the Frequency of Forgiveness into all my healing and classes.

More information can be found at:

Soul Answer Healing

What is Soul Answer Healing

Heart Breath

Frequency of Forgiveness
