Kundalini Yoga

Yoga has been practiced for thousands of years and it has a rich and diverse history intertwined with religions and philosophies. In the late 60s Yogi Bhajan brought a variety of yoga practices to the west that helped practitioners develop mental clarity, intuition, improved health, and spiritual connection. This yoga was branded “Kundalini Yoga by Yogi Bhajan” and is a blend of Bhakti Yoga (the yogic practice of devotion and chanting), Raja Yoga (the practice of meditation, mental and physical control) and Shakti Yoga (for the expression of power and energy).

This yoga consists of physical kriyas, pranayama, chanting, and meditation.  The physical kriyas are typically a set of physical asanas and breath control, sometimes with more rapid movements, which improve health and mental clarity. The Pranayama and meditations help with mental clarity, intuition, and spiritual connection.  The chanting helps with everything especially combined with the other practices. The chanting, for the most part, is intertwined with religious texts from the Sikh faith and the Gurmukhi and Sanskrit language that is designed to activate nervous system meridians. There are thousands of kriyas, meditations, and chants available in books, videos, online, in classes, and from other practitioners. You can google “favorite kundalini kriyas” or almost anything with “kundalini kriya” or “kundalini meditation” to get ideas.  You can use your intuition or try some of the practices.  

Charandayal has practiced Kundalini Yoga for many years and teaches 1-1 and group classes. He is often in the One Heart Yoga class rotation in Menlo Park, CA. Charandayal has Level 1 Teacher Certification and Level II Certification in 4 of the 5 Level II modules. 1-1 classes are tailored to individual needs.

One Heart Yoga