
SAT NAM Rasayan®

Sat Nam Rasayan® means “Deep Relaxation in the True Identity.” It is an ancient healing art of pure meditative absorption in the Divine. Entering a state of Sat Nam Rasayan® means entering a state of total surrender, becoming nothing, and operating from the state of shuniya. The mind of the Sat Nam Rasayan® practitioner becomes transcendent and in the vastness of this consciousness healing can occur. 

This place of healing can be reached in a one-on-one setting of healer and client, between a teacher and a group of students, or within yourself in your own sadhana and daily life.

Sat Nam Rasayan® works on a subtle level through the projective meditative mind. It allows the healer to access and balance the five elements (earth, water, fire, air, and ether) and the pranic body. 

The process involves holding a neutral, contemplative state of awareness, being aware of everything – all sensations – and then allowing the resistances to change and/or release as you continue to hold your state of awareness. Resistances can be distractions, differentiation of sensations, preconceptions, conditions, boundaries, or limits.

Charandayal holds a level I and II certification in Sat Nam Rasayan. The beauty of Sat Nam Rasayan is that it can be done remotely with the client simply relaxing during the session. Clients often report feeling more relaxed and energized after even a short session.
